Written by Lucy Heffernan. Directed by Lily Hayman and Tim Maddock
Truly, a show that cannot be missed. Have a laugh and a cry in one sitting.
Reviewed by Mia Mathias
Summerhall, Cairns Lecture Theatre
Until 26th August, 2024
Tickets: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/party-girl
Purple Tape Production’s Party girl is an unabashedly truthful and poignant piece of theatre. If you are interested in seeing a character unapologetically expose their soul to an audience, this is the play to see. There’s music, bubbles, party hats and of course fairy wings.
This 60 minute, one woman show follows the complex experience of Fairy Sparkles, a children’s party entertainer. Audiences are taken on a journey of Fairy Sparkles’ manic Saturday of back to back kid’s party day. The magic and glitter of the fairy world is in constant contrast to Fairy Sparkles’ personal life. The storytelling and musical journey invites audiences into the experiences of a parentified child and family mental illness, and makes commentary on class and social standards of women.

Party Girl, Edinburgh Fringe Festival (2024)
There’s nothing standard or predictable about this performance. However, there is nostalgic music, references and party favours. This story of Fairy Sparkles is relatable and mirrors the complexity of the human experience.
Lucy Heffernan’s creation of Fairy Sparkles is beautifully uncensored and authentic. Heffernan’s performance carries audiences through the roller coaster of emotions and holds gravitas on stage. Heffernan has the ability to journey audiences through childish laughter into utter heartbreak. The boldness and uncompromising honesty creates a space free of judgement. There is so much joy and humour found in the switching from fairy to indie rock singer, and these moments take you to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.
The thoughtful direction of Lily Hayman and Tim Maddock is evident in the seamless scene transitions and impactful staging. The momentum of the performance skillfully mimics the roller coaster of emotions; highs are full steam ahead through to time slowing and falling away. This production leaves you questioning your own relationships, class bias’ and perspective of women. It also makes you question if you believe in magic and hope.
Theatre (storytelling, rock)
Venue 26
Summerhall – Cairns Lecture Theatre
21:20 Aug 24-26
1 hour
Suitability: 14+ (Guideline)
Country: Australia
Group: Purple Tape Productions
Warnings and additional info: Scenes of a sexual nature, Strong language/swearing. Audience participation; Audience participates in a small capacity, and entirely from their chairs.